The Czech ones are still at the beginning and do not contain many articles. We are glad that you are here and that you will help us to further expand Wikivoyage.
To begin with, we recommend that you first read some pages that will familiarize you with the operation and customs in Wikivoyages:
Introduction - How to edit a page - Frequently asked questions - Style writing articles – How to create new articles
A few basic tips:
- If you need to test the edits in a dirty way, you can use the page .
- If you need help with something, use the I need help page or visit the wikivoyage discussion Na rozcestí.
- Always sign on talk pages: just type 4 tilde
or paste them by clicking the iconin the bar above the editing window. Conversely, articles are not signed.
- Indeed don't be afraid to edit. If sometimes something doesn't work out for you, others will do it. Welcome again and thank you for your contributions. We hope that your contribution will be successful.
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